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medicine man (原始人的)巫醫;〔美俚〕醫生。

medicine show

Vietnamese police are to prosecute a self - proclaimed monk and medicine man who claimed he had 2 . 5 billion in cash , gold and diamonds stolen from his house , state media reported on thursday . the 46 - year - old showed reporters 400 , 000 in cash as proof of his claims that thieves had broken into his hanoi home and made off with the loot , which would amount to more than 5 percent of the communist southeast asian nation ' s economy 據路透社10月21日報道,越南勞動日報10月20日在報道中說,這名46歲的男子稱,自己是一名懂醫術的和尚,小偷闖入他位于河內的家中,并盜走價值25億美元的財物,其中包括現金黃金和鉆石等物。

Lima , peru ( reuters ) - peru ' s government warned people to be wary of fake medicine men offering cure - all miracle herb potions on tuesday , after a bogus brew killed a man hoping to shake off a spell of bad luck 據路透社8月16日報道,不久前,秘魯一男子因希望擺脫霉運而服下一劑假藥后身亡,秘魯政府警告人們小心冒充神醫、出售“包治百病”的草藥的道士。

Lima , peru reuters - peru ' s government warned people to be wary of fake medicine men offering cure - all miracle herb potions on tuesday , after a bogus brew killed a man hoping to shake off a spell of bad luck 據路透社8月16日報道,不久前,秘魯一男子因希望擺脫霉運而服下一劑假藥后身亡,秘魯政府警告人們小心冒充神醫出售“包治百病”的草藥的道士。

Vietnamese police are to prosecute a self - proclaimed monk and medicine man who claimed he had 2 . 5 billion in cash , gold and diamonds stolen from his house , state media reported on thursday 越南勞動日報10月20日披露,一名自稱是“和尚”的男子稱家中價值25億美元的財物被盜。

Medicine men , or shamans , had undergone a spontaneous catharsis , or were initiated and felt called upon to maintain contact with the spirit world for the clan 巫醫或薩滿經歷自動凈化,或被傳授秘密知識,并且感覺受召維系部族與神靈聯系。

T was evening when martin gashweonoma , the hopi prophecy keeper , and emory holmes , a hopi medicine man took the stage to speak to us 皮族預言傳人馬丁卡許渥諾馬和一位霍皮族的醫師艾墨利霍姆斯到臺上跟我們講話時,已經是晚上了。

It is for this reason that the medicine men and women of many indigenous tribes are often insane or schizophrenic by modern day terms 就是因為這個原因,許多本土部落的巫師和巫婆以當代的標準被看成是患精神病或精神分裂癥的。

“ all right , you haeckelites , i may reason like a medicine man , but , pray , how do you reason “好吧,你們這些海克爾主義者,就算我的思維像個定方郎中,可請問,你們是怎么推理的?

In times of drought , the members of the tribe would consult the medicine man in the belief he could make it rain 在干旱季節,那些部落的人們總是請來巫師,相信他會使老天賜雨。

Make your little heart bubble lord , like a glass of wine i remember the medicine man 你卻為了我變得如此沉默可知你的愛是種負擔

Of the medicine man 去經歷巫醫之路

These medicine men and women knew natural methods of treating diseases and injuries 這些醫療人員懂得疾病和創傷的自然療法。

She went to her medicine man 她去見巫師

. . . medicine man . is that right 是那樣嗎?

Medicine man . is that right .這么做的,是嗎?

21 00 : 03 : 03 , 667 - 00 : 03 : 06 , 801 soaring eagle , a medicine man , 萊克塔的人們, “哮熊”是錯的

Highly respected medicine men passed on their knowledge to the school students . 德高望重的醫生把他們的知識傳授給學生們。